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Top 6 Benefits of Agile Development
You’ve heard the terms ‘Agile’ and ‘Scrum’ and wonder if they’re a passing fad or the latest enablement solution. I’ve built a career deciphering between the two, teaching clients why Agile works and the best ways to increase R.O.I. with as little overhead as possible. Want to know why? Read on for the ultimate list of benefits seen adopting an Agile process and why it’s not just today’s marketing buzzword.
Agile Brazil 2015
Agile is an approach that transcends national borders. Despite the Agile Manifesto was originally written by a group of American developers, the successful implementation of Agile techniques led to its spread around the world. We are proud of the fact that there are teams, companies and Agilists communities on every continent.
Agile Baltimore Unconference
The first annual unconference with Agile Baltimore Group as local Lean/Agile practitioners, technologists, entrepreneurs and advocates come together for a day of idea sharing, networking, and collaboration.